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How to Manage ADHD Without Medications for Adults

How to Manage ADHD Without Medications for Adults

These natural approaches present a comprehensive strategy for adults with ADHD to reduce impulsivity and enhance their executive functioning.

How Accurate is Genetic Testing for Psychiatric Medications?

How Accurate is Genetic Testing for Psychiatric Medications?

Psychopharmacological testing is a tool that can optimize treatment. Learn what genetic testing can and cannot do to determine if it is an appropriate tool for you.

Healing From Shame: Releasing the Burdens of Relational Trauma

Healing From Shame: Releasing the Burdens of Relational Trauma

Relational trauma often manifests as heavy shame. This blog offers ideas for healing from shame, with connection to others and self-compassion.

A Good Apology 

A Good Apology 

A meaningful apology is more than just muttering the words, “I’m sorry.” Learning how to make amends in a meaningful way that resonates with the other person will lead back

6 Ways to End the Victim Mindset

6 Ways to End the Victim Mindset

A Victim Mindset A victim mindset can be defined as a person that tends to recognize themselves as a victim of the negative actions of others, and behaves as if

Overcoming Sport and Performance Anxiety with Positive Psychology

Overcoming Sport and Performance Anxiety with Positive Psychology

Did you know that even some of the most popular and successful athletes and artists have struggled with performance anxiety or stage fright? If these superstars can overcome their fears

What Comes Next?

You’ve read the blogs, tips, and posts with catchy ideas. You’re taking the steps and making progress, but you crave more. You want answers about why habits have formed in your life and how you can take steps to ensure they don’t take hold again.

Food and Mood

How to Find a Good Health Coach

How to Find a Good Health Coach

Health isn’t just about the food on your plate. It’s about every component of life. A health coach is here to support you.

How to Manage Sugar Cravings and What to Eat Instead

How to Manage Sugar Cravings and What to Eat Instead

Did you know that sugar is added to nearly 75% of processed foods? I call these added sugars “sneaky sugars” because they end up in foods you wouldn’t expect. If

Using Food to Cope with Stress? Here Are 4 Steps to Figure Out Why and Shift Your Habits

Using Food to Cope with Stress? Here Are 4 Steps to Figure Out Why and Shift Your Habits

You may be familiar with food cravings for physical reasons such as dehydration or going too long in between meals, but did you know that cravings can also stem from

Expand your Mind

Therapist Recommended Reads

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The ideas and suggestions provided in these books are not a substitute for seeking professional guidance. Neither our therapists, the publisher, nor the author shall be held liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any suggestion or information contained in these books.

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How to Manage ADHD Without Medications for Adults

How to Manage ADHD Without Medications for Adults

These natural approaches present a comprehensive strategy for adults with ADHD to reduce impulsivity and enhance their executive functioning.

How Accurate is Genetic Testing for Psychiatric Medications?

How Accurate is Genetic Testing for Psychiatric Medications?

Psychopharmacological testing is a tool that can optimize treatment. Learn what genetic testing can and cannot do to determine if it is an appropriate tool for you.

Healing From Shame: Releasing the Burdens of Relational Trauma

Healing From Shame: Releasing the Burdens of Relational Trauma

Relational trauma often manifests as heavy shame. This blog offers ideas for healing from shame, with connection to others and self-compassion.

A Good Apology 

A Good Apology 

A meaningful apology is more than just muttering the words, “I’m sorry.” Learning how to make amends in a meaningful way that resonates with the other person will lead back

6 Ways to End the Victim Mindset

6 Ways to End the Victim Mindset

A Victim Mindset A victim mindset can be defined as a person that tends to recognize themselves as a victim of the negative actions of others, and behaves as if

Overcoming Sport and Performance Anxiety with Positive Psychology

Overcoming Sport and Performance Anxiety with Positive Psychology

Did you know that even some of the most popular and successful athletes and artists have struggled with performance anxiety or stage fright? If these superstars can overcome their fears

Nurturing the Caregiver Within: A Guide to Self-Care and Self-Compassion

Nurturing the Caregiver Within: A Guide to Self-Care and Self-Compassion

As a caregiver, your well-being matters just as much as the well-being of the person you care for. By prioritizing self-care and embracing self-compassion, you not only preserve your own

Navigating Caregiver Burnout: Recognizing the Warning Signs

Navigating Caregiver Burnout: Recognizing the Warning Signs

The demands of caregiving can take a toll on one’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being leading to caregiver burnout. Understanding the signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout is crucial in

How Mindset Matters in Unleashing Your Peak Performance

How Mindset Matters in Unleashing Your Peak Performance

Limiting beliefs hold you back from performance optimization at work. Learn how to shift your mindset away from limiting beliefs and toward growth and achievement.