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3 Energy Healing Techniques to Naturally Improve Your Health and Wellbeing

by | Sep 28, 2020

If you are new to the world of alternative health and wellness, chances are you will eventually run into the term “energy healing.”  Energy healing is a holistic practice that is the ideal complement to traditional medicine.  Unlike traditional medicine, however, energy healing techniques promote wellness of the whole person: mind, body, spirit, and emotion.

While there are many different methods of energy healing, each one uniquely aims to correct imbalances and blockages of the body’s natural flow of energy. Three forms of energy healing that continue to gain a great deal of popularity are Reiki, Sound Therapy, and Emotional Freedom Techniques. 


The practice of Reiki (pronounced RAY KEY) is a holistic healing art that comes to us from the far East. The early origins of Reiki can be traced back to the early 1900s and attributed to Dr. Mikao Usui of Japan. Over the years it has continued to gain greater acceptance in mainstream medicine. According to a 2008 USA Today article, it was reported in 2007 15% of U.S. hospitals (over 800) offered Reiki as a regular part of patient services. It has been used to reduce pain in cancer patients, improve recovery time after surgery, and promote spiritual and emotional well-being.

Reiki as an Energy Practice

Reiki is based on the concept of a spiritual or “universal” life force energy that exists in and around all things. Reiki practitioners channel this energy to the individual by gently laying hands on or slightly off the body. This promotes a balance of one’s personal energy and supports the individual’s natural healing abilities. Recipients often report an increased state of comfort, relaxation, and stress relief. Individuals often seek Reiki with the desire to establish physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Sound Healing

The concept of using sound for healing has been around since the beginning of time. This natural form of healing spans a multitude of cultures and over thousands of years. One example is the early Greek philosopher Pythagoras.  Not only is he renowned for his contribution to mathematics, but he is also known for teaching that music can heal.  He is often credited as the first to actually prescribe music as medicine.  

Sound Therapy as an Energy Practice

Sound therapy uses different aspects of sound, and vibration to promote spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. There are an endless number of ways this can be done and how it works largely depends on the technique being used and what instrument (or instruments) are used to create the sound.  For example, in Vibrational Sound Therapy, the practitioner systematically places singing bowls on or around the body. The striking of the bowls produces vibrations in these areas helping to release tension and energy, and promote emotional balance. At the same time, the ambient tones created by the bowls activate the body’s natural relaxation response. This opens the body to a greater healing capacity. Many hospitals and therapists also use music as a form of sound therapy. 

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

EFT also known as “Tapping” is a form of energy psychology and is often referred to as psychological acupressure. EFT, like the previously mentioned energy healing methods, is based on the concept that blocks or imbalances in one’s flow of energy can lead to health issues and even performance issues. EFT is slightly different in that it addresses those energetic imbalances that have their root in past traumas or emotional stressors. 

EFT was first developed by a man named Gary Craig here in the U.S. in the early 1990s. Since then, EFT has been used and studied for a multitude of different issues with amazingly positive results. EFT has been for issues from PTSD, and chronic pain, to weight issues, and more.  If you watch sports and have a keen eye, you may even notice some professional athletes “tapping” to improve performance.

EFT as an Energy Practice

EFT works by stimulating or tapping on specific parts of the body otherwise known as “meridian tapping points.”  Meridians, which are based in Traditional Chinese Medicine, are one’s “energy networks” or pathways.  A skilled EFT practitioner can help guide you through the action of tapping these points with your fingertips while at the same time verbalizing powerful emotionally charged statements. This in turn, helps to promote stress reduction and a balance of energy. Many of those who practice EFT report a significant decrease in stress and anxiety, as well as a reduction in physical and emotional pain.   

Which Energy Healing Method is Right for Me?

For those new to energy healing techniques, it may be difficult to decide which is best for you.  The good news is that you can’t go wrong in trying them all. One way to decide is to think about your main goal for energy healing and what you might be most comfortable with.  For those who are comfortable with touch, you may want to try Reiki.  For those who enjoy music and vibration, you may try sound therapy.  If you suspect that an emotional issue is preventing you from reaching your goal such as weight loss, reducing a specific physical or emotional pain, or improving athletic performance, perhaps you may try EFT.  Ask around and see what others have tried. Or, contact me to schedule a free consultation. Together we’ll find the best technique for your particular needs! 

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