Do you want to make changes to your diet or health, but don’t know where to begin?
Is it frustrating to be influenced by diets, the media, and the food industry telling you what’s healthy?
Perhaps you’ve hit a breaking point: You’re just not where you thought you’d be by now and you’re thinking, Is something wrong with me? Am I not disciplined enough? Am I not motivated enough?
Sound like you? A health coach is here to support.
A health coach, sometimes referred to as a wellness coach or integrative nutrition health coach, is someone who facilitates behavior change by offering a safe space for you to ask questions and explore your habits, provides accountability to your goals, and guides you to resources.
Coaches personalize your care, listen, have your best interests in mind, and inspire you to take action so you can get to the place where you can create your version of a healthy, happy life.
A health coach provides personalized care and support.
You’ll find the right foods and eating habits that work for YOU.
You’ll find the right lifestyle that works for you.
You’ll have accountability.
You’ll create a life that YOU control.
Find a health coach whose personality and interests resonate with you, or who has been through something you’re currently going through! There are health coaches for just about any specific goal you may have, so don’t be afraid to ask the health coach you are interviewing questions. Look for someone who can support your journey in an open, warm, welcoming, and positive way, while helping you get results. Asking a health coach for client testimonials is always a good idea!
To learn more about health coaching at Holistic Wellness Practice, visit our Nutrition Coaching page.
You’ve read the blogs, tips, and posts with catchy ideas. You’re taking the steps and making progress, but you crave more. You want answers about why habits have formed in your life and how you can take steps to ensure they don’t take hold again.
Lauren Stickney is an integrative nutrition health coach and emotional eating coach certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She specializes in women’s nutrition, women’s relationship with food, and healing an unhealthy body image.
We offer in-person and virtual services – contact us today to learn more!