Blog Posts by Karen Prindle, RYT

Yoga for Fear & Anxiety:  Introducing the Psoas Muscle or “The Muscle of Your Soul”

Yoga for Fear & Anxiety: Introducing the Psoas Muscle or “The Muscle of Your Soul”

Fear and anxiety actually can go beyond your thoughts alone. In fact, these emotions may be trapped in your core muscles. The PSOAS muscle, also known as “The Muscle of

Yoga Nidra Benefits During a Holiday Quarantine Season

Yoga Nidra Benefits During a Holiday Quarantine Season

Yoga Nidra, often called “yoga sleep”, is a guided relaxation and meditation practice that helps transcend you into a state of deep relaxation.

3 Easy Yoga Poses to Manage College Stress

3 Easy Yoga Poses to Manage College Stress

While school often prepares students in finding an amazing career, it may not always provide the emotional tools to help support in achieving these goals. Yoga is a great way to

The Benefits of a Private Yoga Session

The Benefits of a Private Yoga Session

Whether a beginner or a seasoned yogi, taking a private class is truly is about connecting with yourself.  This is your time to shine. 

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