Blog Posts by Morgan E. Dunn, LCSW

Cutting – Teen Self Harm Survival Guide for Parents

Cutting – Teen Self Harm Survival Guide for Parents

Is That Blood?Cutting. It’s a scary moment for even the most seasoned parent. Maybe you noticed some scratches on your daughter’s arm before. At that time you simply dismissed it

Finding Hope After the Affair

Finding Hope After the Affair

The infidelity that has occurred is a testament to the fact that the very pillars of your relationship have been compromised – honesty, trust, communication, and commitment. Rebuilding those pillars

Where Did My Son Go?

Where Did My Son Go?

When we see our teen disengaging from us and the things we used to do together in favor of spending more time alone, with friends, or on the internet, it’s

Future Memories of Success

Future Memories of Success

What if you had a memory of something that has not happened yet? What would you want that memory to look like? Your future is wide open to however and

Overcoming Sport and Performance Anxiety with Positive Psychology

Overcoming Sport and Performance Anxiety with Positive Psychology

Did you know that even some of the most popular and successful athletes and artists have struggled with performance anxiety or stage fright? If these superstars can overcome their fears

Surviving Suicide: Steps to Heal

Surviving Suicide: Steps to Heal

urviving the death of a family member or friend due to natural causes or sudden accident is a daunting task for most. However, when suicide is involved it can add

Got Hope?

Got Hope?

What exactly is hope? And how can we find hope during times when it seems so elusive?

Frequently Asked Questions