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Gleyce Almeida-Farrell, LCSW

Gleyce Almeida-Farrell, LCSW

Therapist Specializing in Anxiety, Stress Management, Personal & Professional Development

The best way to find out if this approach is for you is to schedule a 15 - 20 minute consultation. Depending on your therapist’s availability, this consult may be held over the phone, via video, or in-person.

Psychotherapist and founder of Holistic Wellness Practice, Gleyce (pronounced glay-see) Almeida-Farrell draws from evidence-based techniques to help clients find more balance, peace, and fulfillment in their lives. With a direct and straightforward approach, Gleyce leads clients to discover the cause of their stress and learn actionable tools to manage its effects. Her blend of psychoanalytic experience and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques brings a coaching element to her sessions, where emotion and action are equally valued.

In-Person and Virtual

Available Daytime

Gleyce’s whole-person approach to therapy also helps inspire confidence and build leadership skills in the workplace, leaving more room for finding purpose and fulfillment in interpersonal relationships. Her active role in sessions tends to work best with adults in prominent and performance-related fields such as executive-level roles, high-level sales roles, athletes, entrepreneurs, etc.

Her years of experience and proven methods help clients learn to set personal and professional boundaries, lessen the hold of anxiety over body and mind, manage symptoms of depression, and rediscover the spark of purpose that once gave them direction. Clients willing to take a deeper dive into their experiences will benefit from the supported therapeutic space where they can allow their most vulnerable parts to have a voice, be heard, and be accepted. Paired with practical strategies, working with Gleyce helps clients create the change they’re looking for in their life.



Masters, Clinical Social Work, Fordham University



Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW)

  • State of Georgia (CSW006598)
  • New York State (#087306)

Gleyce's Blog Posts

Healing From Shame: Releasing the Burdens of Relational Trauma

Healing From Shame: Releasing the Burdens of Relational Trauma

Relational trauma often manifests as heavy shame. This blog offers ideas for healing from shame, with connection to others and self-compassion.

How Mindset Matters in Unleashing Your Peak Performance

How Mindset Matters in Unleashing Your Peak Performance

Limiting beliefs hold you back from performance optimization at work. Learn how to shift your mindset away from limiting beliefs and toward growth and achievement.

Overcoming People Pleasing for Professional Growth

Overcoming People Pleasing for Professional Growth

People pleasing can lead directly to resentment, burnout, career stalling, diminished professional growth, and stress.

How to be a Better Leader: Mind-Body Connection Tips for Effective Leadership

How to be a Better Leader: Mind-Body Connection Tips for Effective Leadership

A strong mind-body connection can defuse stress and improve agility in tough situations. Learn mindfulness tips for effective leadership.

How to Handle Negative Feedback at Work

How to Handle Negative Feedback at Work

Developing resilience in the face of negative feedback can be the key to personal and professional growth.

Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome: The Vicious Cycle and How to Break Free

Perfectionism and Imposter Syndrome: The Vicious Cycle and How to Break Free

Perfectionism and imposter syndrome feed into each other, causing stress and keeping you from the career satisfaction you deserve. There are many ways to cope with perfectionism and to thrive

Tackling Negativity Bias and Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Tackling Negativity Bias and Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Times feel particularly tough right now. It might seem like wherever you turn, there’s bad news about the economy, the planet, politics, society, work, other people, your own health, and

How to Stop Procrastinating

How to Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination can be a real productivity killer. Learn how to stop procrastinating, set goals, and improve your time management skills with this helpful guide.

How to Regulate Your Nervous System

How to Regulate Your Nervous System

We’re exploring the secrets of the nervous system, discussing holistic issues that may arise from a chronically dysregulated system, and sharing polyvagal techniques that explain how to regulate your nervous

Health & Wellness Buzzwords Defined

Health & Wellness Buzzwords Defined

Get to know some of the most frequently used terms in the alternative medicine community, what qualifies someone to be a holistic or integrative practitioner, and how to find the

What is Inner Child Work?

What is Inner Child Work?

There has been an increase in popularity of inner child work in recent years. In addition to helping you overcome childhood trauma, inner child work can also help you improve

How to Manage Occupational Burnout

How to Manage Occupational Burnout

Did you know that more than half of the US workforce identifies along the burnout spectrum? In this guide, we’re encouraging employers and employees to learn how to recognize burnout

A Brief Guide to Setting Clear Boundaries

A Brief Guide to Setting Clear Boundaries

Boundaries are some of the most important tools we can use throughout our lives, but what are they? How do we use them for ourselves, coworkers, family, and friends?

A Guide to Anxiety

A Guide to Anxiety

We experience anxiety in many ways, but if there’s one thing central to the experience, it’s a sense of uncertainty.

How Much Does a Therapist Cost?

How Much Does a Therapist Cost?

When deciding on choosing to go to therapy, it is wise to weigh your options between therapy cost and therapy benefits through a cost-benefit approach.

What’s the Difference Between Coaching and Therapy?

What’s the Difference Between Coaching and Therapy?

Many people wonder what the difference is between coaching and therapy. Our blog today dives into a detailed explanation of the difference in approach, practice, and who benefits.

What To Expect For Your First Therapy Appointment

What To Expect For Your First Therapy Appointment

It’s normal to have questions about what to expect, and you might even feel nervous about talking with a therapist. It’s important to remember that therapy is a place that

What Is Telehealth? The Benefits and Drawbacks of Virtual Therapy

What Is Telehealth? The Benefits and Drawbacks of Virtual Therapy

There are some things to consider when deciding if online therapy is right for you.

Counseling Is For Everyone: How A Therapist Can Help You

Counseling Is For Everyone: How A Therapist Can Help You

Sometimes we get stuck in the thinking that therapy is just for the “mentally unwell,” for people who don’t know how to handle their problems or for relationships that are

4 Coping Skills to Manage Anxiety

4 Coping Skills to Manage Anxiety

Anxiety doesn’t have an on/off switch; rather, the choices we make can add up to an increased sense of calm. Here are 4 easy ways to manage anxiety.

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